TXWORKS Internship Program for Students
Texas Working Off-Campus: Reinforcing Knowledge and Skills (TXWORKS) Internship Program is a paid internship opportunity developed exclusively for Texas undergraduate students.
Intern and Earn with TXWORKS
If eligible and selected, you may have the opportunity to:
- Intern a minimum of 96 hours over an internship period.
- Earn a minimum of $15 per hour.
- Work face-to-face, hybrid, or remote.
- Participate in meaningful, challenging, real-world work experiences.
Interested in a TXWORKS Internship?
- Texas undergraduate college and university students interested in applying for TXWORKS internships, please review the TXWORKS Program Student Application Process Guide and Steps.
- Complete the Student Eligibility Form to get started.
- Register with the Texas Internship Challenge at http://www.txinternshipchallenge.com/ to view TXWORKS internship positions that have been posted.
To ask questions and receive updates about TXWORKS, provide your email address through the Student Questions and Contact Form.
THECB TXWORKS Program Staff may also be reached at 512-427-6582.