TXWORKS Internship Program for Employers
Texas Working Off-Campus: Reinforcing Knowledge and Skills (TXWORKS) Internship Program is a statewide paid internship program developed exclusively for Texas undergraduate students and employers. Employers that hire eligible students through TXWORKS will be reimbursed a portion of the hourly wages for each intern at the completion of the internship period.
What Can TXWORKS Offer Employers?
TXWORKS employers recruit and prepare the next generation of talent, identifying key career competencies and workforce skills to be developed through an internship experience. Participation in TXWORKS provides employers the opportunity to increase company visibility and expand their talent pipelines while benefiting from state-funded partial wage reimbursement.
Employer Participation Overview
Interested employers can contact the TXWORKS Internship Program team at TXWORKS@highered.texas.gov to learn more about:
- Program overview, purpose, establishment, authority, and administration.
- Registering for the Texas Internship Challenge website, where internships will be posted.
- Steps to complete the TXWORKS Employer Application.
- Documents required to be submitted with the TXWORKS Employer Application.
To ask questions and receive updates about TXWORKS, provide your email address through the TXWORKS Inquiry Form.
THECB TXWORKS Program Staff may also be reached at 512-427-6582.