Texas Reskilling and Upskilling for Education (TRUE) Institutional Capacity Grants
Program Purpose
Texas Reskilling and Upskilling for Education (TRUE) Institutional Capacity Grants aimed to accelerate the number of high-value credential opportunities offered to students that was urgently needed for economic recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic and a future competitive workforce in Texas. This program closed on September 30, 2022.
Funding from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund was allocated to launch TRUE Institutional Capacity Grants in fall 2021. The program reflected THECB’s response to the goals of SB 1102 as it evolved during the 87th Texas Legislative session. Legislative appropriation took place late 2021, which triggered the next iteration of the TRUE Grant Program in 2022.
Grants were competitively provided to lower division public institutions of higher education or consortia of these institutions that proposed a plan or the undertaking of the creation, expansion, or redesign of a postsecondary workforce credential program or programs in a growing occupational field. The credential programs proposed were shorter than six months in duration, industry-aligned, and developed with the participation of key stakeholders such as other postsecondary lower-division institutions and workforce actors including workforce and economic development boards or associations, industry representatives, or employers.
Program Eligibility and Information
All inquiries regarding the TRUE Grant Program should be directed to the TRUE Grant Program team.