Title IX Coordinator Training
Senate Bill 212 and House Bill 1735, 86th Texas Legislature, codified as Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter 51, Subchapters E-2 and E-3, relate to the reporting of and the development of policies and recommended employee training regarding certain incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking at public and private institutions of higher education in Texas. In accordance with Subchapters E-2 and E-3 and corresponding Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) rules, codified as Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 3, Subchapter A, the materials included on this web page were developed by the Title IX Training Advisory Committee, which was established by the Board of the THECB in October 2019 (see THECB Rules, TAC, Chapter 1, Subchapter DD).
Materials have been updated as of July 7, 2021, to reflect new forms.
Inquiries regarding Title IX should be directed to Cathie Maeyaert, Director, Private Postsecondary Institutions.