Texas’ 2023 Strides in Higher Education
Jan. 16, 2024, Austin, TX – During his annual The State of Higher Education address, Commissioner Harrison Keller highlighted legislation from the 88th Texas Legislature, including community college finance reform and the establishment of the Texas University Fund, and how those efforts carry us closer to meeting the goals of the state’s strategic plan for higher education, Building a Talent Strong Texas.
“Texas higher education is leading the way on multiple fronts—state investments in research and development, community college finance, college and career advising, educational and workforce data, and more—and the nation is taking notice,” Keller said. “I am so proud of what we’ve already accomplished together and inspired by the examples of innovative, effective, and committed higher education leadership across the state,” said Keller. “Truly, there is no better place to do this work than 21st-century Texas.”
He urged higher education, industry, and philanthropic leaders to accelerate the pace of change to meet Texas’ needs and ensure the state stays competitive throughout the 21st century.
“Our major challenge isn’t a lack of innovation,” said Keller. “It is the scale and speed of the challenges we’re called to address for our communities, our economy, and our state. It’s how we transcend the incremental pace of change we’re used to in higher education and meet the urgency of this moment.”
Keller delivered his annual address to hundreds of attendees at Higher EDge 2023, a conference hosted by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board focused on innovations in higher education policy and programs. This year’s conference featured programming on artificial intelligence, tech transfer, student success and advising, innovations in digital learning, and more. It also included an address by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who touted the establishment of the Texas University Fund and community college finance legislation and what these efforts mean for the continued success of the state’s economy.