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Policies and Resources

Reports on Expenditures under TCRF and CRSF/NRSF

Institutions that received funds from the Texas Comprehensive Research Fund (TCRF) or the Core Research Support Fund (CRSF))/National Research Support Fund (NRSF) must report the manner in which they used the appropriated funds in the preceding fiscal year. Institutions should use the Usage Report Form to report to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board by December 1 of each year.

Reports on Special Research Topics

Human Stem Cell Research

This annual report regarding human stem cell research is obtained from Coordinating Board’s inventory of all institutional and programmatic research activities. The report is due to the legislature by January 1 of each year. The purpose of this report is outlined in Texas Education Code, Chapter 61, Subchapter C. Our most recent published reports are available below:

Aerospace Technology Research

The Aerospace Technology Research report provides a summary of aerospace technology research conducted by public senior colleges and universities. The report is compiled each even-numbered year for use by the Aerospace and Aviation Office at the Governor’s Office. The purpose of this report is outlined in Texas Government Code Chapter 481, Subchapter A, Section 481.0066 (d-2)(3).

October 2020

Intellectual Property Policies

Texas Education Code, Chapter 51, Subchapter O, Section 51.680 requires Texas public higher education institutions to develop and maintain policies on intellectual property. These should at a minimum, include:

  • disclosure of scientific and technological developments, including invention, discoveries, trade secrets, and computer software;
  • institutional review of scientific and technological disclosure, including consideration of ownership and appropriate legal protection;
  • guidelines for licensing scientific and technological developments;
  • clear identification of ownership and licensing responsibilities for each class of intellectual property;
  • royalty participation by inventors and the institution; and
  • equity and management participation on the part of the inventor or inventors in business entities that utilize technology created at the institution of higher education.

Each Texas public higher education institution is required to have a current copy of its intellectual property policy on file with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board or posted on the institution’s website.

More Resources

Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Public Safety and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board outlining guidelines for a reporting program for controlled substances and related analogues, chemical precursors, and laboratory apparatus, used in applicable education or research institutions:

Incentive grants may be awarded to raise the quality of programs to the level of national excellence. Eligible institutions are general academic institutions that are not state colleges, research universities, or emerging research universities. The purpose of these awards are outlined in Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 5, Subchapter H.

One-Time Incentive Award: Institutions may become eligible for a one-time award for a program that has already achieved national excellence.

Incentive Award Instructions

One-Time Incentive Award Recommendation Form

Benchmark Award: Grants may be awarded based on an institution’s demonstrated commitment to developing a degree program or improving the quality of an existing program by reaching benchmarks established by external consultants.

Bench Award Instructions


Inquiries regarding research reports, policies, and resources or intellectual property policies should be directed to Andrew Lofters, Program Director, Academic and Health Affairs.