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Research Funding in Texas


Scientific research conducted at higher education institutions is vital for identifying and developing new knowledge that leads to groundbreaking innovations. Innovation drives the state’s economy and improves quality of life. High-quality, effective, and efficient research efforts require the appropriate level of funding, including from the federal government, the major source of research funds. Strong programs for all types of research – basic research, applied research, and technology transfer – build on one another, making them paramount to a strong economy. Strong research programs also provide state-of-the-art educational opportunities for students and attract the best faculty. For a complete overview of Research Funding in Texas or Research Appropriations, click on the following link:

Research Appropriations at Texas Public Universities

Research Expenditures

Annual report summarizing total research expenditures based on all research conducted at Texas institutions of higher education. The purpose of this section is outlined in Texas Administrative Code Sections 13.300 to 13.305.

Research expenditures have been collected as a part of the Academic Sources and Uses Survey:

You may find related reports in the Report Center.

Research funding consists of qualifying institutional funds, institutional allocated funds, and competitive research funds.

Reports on use of appropriated funds and special research topics, research policies, and research resources for public institutions.


Inquiries regarding research funding in Texas should be sent to THECB research team.

Inquiries regarding research funding in Texas should be sent to Andrew Lofters, Program Director, Academic and Health Affairs.