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Work-Study & Scholarships


The Texas College Work-Study (TCWS) Program and the Work-Study Student Mentorship Program (WSMP) guidelines and resources have been combined to better align with Texas Administrative Code. The Work-Study Student Mentorship Program is referred to as Mentorship Program.

The Texas College Work-Study Program is authorized by TEC, Title 3, Chapter 56, Subchapter E, Section 56.073 and the Work-Study Student Mentorship Program is authorized by TEC, Title 3, Chapter 56, Subchapter E, Section 56.079. Rules for administering these programs can be found in TAC, Title 19, Chapter 22, Subchapter G.

The purpose of the Texas College Work-Study Program is to provide eligible students with jobs, funded in part by the State of Texas, to enable those students to attend eligible institutions of higher education in Texas and, through a mentorship program, to mentor, tutor, or advise college students at participating eligible institutions of higher education or high school students within local school districts and nonprofit organizations.

Program funds are available to students attending the following institutions: University of North Texas, University of North Texas at Dallas, Texas Woman’s University, The University of Texas at Dallas, The University of Texas at Arlington, East Texas A&M University, and DFW TechTeach in consultation with Texas Tech University.

The purpose of the Nursing Students Scholarship Program is to promote health care and educational needs by providing scholarships to eligible professional and vocational nursing students.

The Nursing Students Scholarship is authorized by TEC, Title 3, Chapter 61, Subchapter L. Rules for administering the scholarship can be found in Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 22, Subchapter R.

TASSP program funds are available to students attending public and private or independent institutions of higher education, as defined in TEC, Section 61.003. This program is authorized by TEC, Chapter 61, Subchapter A, Section 61.9771. Rules establishing procedures to administer the subchapter can be found in TAC, Title 19, Chapter 22, Subchapter I.

The Texas First Scholarship Program is authorized by TEC, Title 3, Chapter 56, Subchapter K-1, Section 56.221. Rules for administering the scholarship can be found in Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 22, Subchapter T. To learn more, visit the dedicated program webpage that includes detailed information on program and eligibility requirements.

Managing Programs

Institutions can submit an Award History File and receive the most recent data reported for state grant recipients.

Award History File Instructions

Electronic Funds Transfer Instructions [PDF]

NOTE: If institutions need to return funds that are prior to 2023-24 (FY 2024), a Grants and Special Programs Online Return of Funds Form must be submitted.

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) requires all public institutions to complete the State Campus-Based Programs Annual Report to ensure compliance with the Student Deposit Scholarship and Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG) programs.

2023-24 (FY 2024) State Campus-Based Annual Report Form [PDF]

2023-24 (FY 2024) State Campus-Based Report Submission Form

Institutions participating in a combination of Texas College Work-Study (TCWS) or Work-Study Student Mentorship Program (WSMP) and one of the three state grant programs (TEXAS Grant, TEOG, and TEG), may transfer up to 25% of the institution’s total annual program allocation or $60,000 (whichever is less) between programs within the relevant fiscal year.

Web Portals

Find guidance to help request access, update, or remove access levels for institutional staff at any point throughout the year.

To add, update, or remove a user’s access, submit a User Access Form [PDF].

Institutions can log in to the GAPP to access TEXAS Grant, Texas Transfer Grant, TEOG, TEG, TCWS, EAE, and Bilingual Education programs.

Scholarship Consanguinity or Affinity Statement

Before receiving a scholarship administered by or originating from an institution of higher education, a student must file a written statement (provided below) indicating whether the person is related within the third degree by consanguinity or the second degree by affinity to a current member of the governing board of the institution or system. For more information, please refer to Texas Government Code Chapter 573, Subchapter B.

Scholarship Consanguinity or Affinity Statement [PDF]