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Distance Education Resources

Distance Education

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board provides information and guidance to public institutions of higher education regarding Distance Education, Higher Education Regional Councils, and Programs of Study.

Distance Education, Rules, Modification & Requests

Coordinating Board rules define distance education as the “formal educational process that occurs when students and instructors are in separate physical locations for the majority (more than 50 percent) of instruction.” Coordinating Board rules recognize two categories of distance education courses: 100-percent online courses and hybrid courses. A 100-percent online course is defined as a “distance education course in which 100 percent of instructional activity takes place when the student(s) and instructor(s) are in separate physical locations. Requirements for on-campus or in-person orientation, testing, academic support services, internships/fieldwork, or other non-instructional activities do not exclude a course from this category.” A hybrid course is defined as a “distance education course in which more than 50 percent but less than 100 percent of instructional activity takes place when the student(s) and instructor(s) are in separate physical locations.”


Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board rules governing the offering of distance, off-campus, and self-sustaining education:

Modifications & Requests

Institutions should use the degree program and administrative change request form for requests related to modality changes or additions for distance education, off-campus programs, and self-supporting programs. Effective May 18, 2023, all requests for modality changes or additions are notification only, regardless of degree level. 

Degree & Administrative Change Requests

For new distance education programs, if the institution has an approved Institutional Plan for Distance Education on file, the Certification Form for Electronically Delivered and Off-Campus Education Programs should be submitted for the new program.

Certification Form for Electronically Delivered and Off-Campus Education Programs

Before institutions offer any distance education courses or programs for the first time, regardless of modality, an Institutional Plan for Distance Education (IPDE) form must be submitted to the Coordinating Board.

Distance Education rules also state that institutions will assess distance education on an ongoing basis in accordance with the Principles of Good Practice (PGP) by updating their IPDE to Board Staff by the earlier of the following deadlines:

(i) no later than one year after receiving final disposition of the institution’s comprehensive renewal of accreditation report from their institutional accreditor as required by 34 CFR §602.19, or

(ii) no later than ten years after the approval of their last IPDE to the Coordinating Board.

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board commends and encourages the development of online courses and programs that enhance access to higher education throughout the state of Texas. The Coordinating Board works closely with Texas colleges and universities as well as with Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas (ICUT) to ensure the high quality of distance education. To that end, an institution’s Institutional Plan for Distance Education (“Plan” or “IPDE”) shall conform to the Principles of Good Practice for Distance Education in effect at the time the institution submits the Plan and all public institutions are required to certify that their distance education programs are in compliance with the Principles of Good Practice for Academic Degree and Certificate Programs and Credit Courses Offered at a Distance (Principles of Good Practice).

Process flowcharts are currently being updated. Please check back soon!

You may also wish to refer to the following documents to determine the approval process, notification requirements, and funding for distance education programs and courses:

Study Abroad and Study-in-America Courses

The Coordinating Board defines study abroad courses as “off-campus, academic credit instruction which is delivered outside the United States primarily to regular on-campus students.” Study-in-America courses are defined as “off-campus, academic credit instruction which is delivered outside Texas but in the United States primarily to regular on-campus students.” Institutions are required to certify that all courses meet the Coordinating Board’s Standards for Out-of-State and Out-of-Country Courses. Institutions certify compliance with those standards through an online reporting system. Links to the standards and the reporting system are below.

Off-Campus Educational Units

An Off-Campus Educational Unit is defined in Chapter 5, Subchapter D of Board rules as a subdivision under the management and control of an existing public university, university system, health-related institution, or a combination of these units, hereinafter referred to as the parent institution(s), in a geographic setting separate from the parent institution(s). Off-campus education units include teaching sites, higher education centers, university system centers, Multi-Institutional Teaching Centers, regional academic health centers, branch campuses, and all other off-campus educational endeavors.

Request Form for Establishing a Multi-Institution Teaching Center (MITC), Single Institution Center (SIC), or University System Center (USC)

Institutional Report Information

Higher Education Regional Councils (HERCs)

The Higher Education Regional Councils have oversight over many, but not all, off-campus lower-division courses and programs offered by community colleges, universities, health-related institutions, public technical colleges, and Lamar State Colleges in Texas.


Inquiries regarding study abroad and study-in-America should be directed to Andrew Lofters, Program Director, Academic and Health Affairs.