Mission Statements for Public Universities
& Health-Related Institutions
The mission statement is the formal statement of the mission of an institution of a public university or health-related institution.
The mission statement takes the form of a narrative that addresses the fundamental purpose of the institution with respect to its teaching, research, and public service responsibilities from a regional, state, and national perspective.
The Coordinating Board keeps records of the mission statements of public institutions of higher education across the state. When changes are needed to the mission statement, the institution must gain approval from its governing board before sending it to the Coordinating Board.
When a board of regents approves a revised mission statement for an institution, that board or the institution should send a copy of that revised statement to the division of Academic and Health Affairs. There is no standard form for proposed changes to an institution’s mission statement. Proposed changes to a mission statement should be submitted in the form of a letter to the Assistant Commissioner, along with documentation confirming board of regents approval.
Inquiries regarding mission statements should be sent to Academic and Health Affairs.