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Liaisons & Institutional Contacts

Universities and Health-Related Institutions

The University and Health-Related Institution (UHRI) Liaisons serve as a single point of contact between each of the UHRIs and the Coordinating Board. The liaisons, selected by the institutions, receive all communications from the Coordinating Board to universities and health-related institutions. Including the liaisons on communications with the institutions provides a consistent point of contact to improve the dissemination of critical information in a timely manner and ensure that information will be routed to the appropriate individuals. The liaisons are critical to the Coordinating Board’s communication efforts, as they effectively and appropriately distribute information within institutions.

Each year, the Coordinating Board staff hosts a liaisons’ meeting, which includes an overview of the Coordinating Board, its staff, functions, procedures, operations, and higher education issues. The purpose of the meeting is for liaisons to better understand the role and responsibilities of the Coordinating Board and topics of interest to UHRIs.

Community, State, and Technical Colleges

The Community, State, and Technical College Liaisons serve as a single point of contact between each of the colleges and the Coordinating Board. The liaisons receive all communications from the Coordinating Board to the colleges. Including the liaisons on communications with the community and technical colleges provides a consistent point of contact to improve the dissemination of critical information in a timely manner and ensure that information will be routed to the appropriate individuals. The liaisons are critical to the Coordinating Board’s communication efforts, as they effectively and appropriately distribute information within their colleges.

Each year, the Coordinating Board staff host a liaisons’ meeting, which includes an overview of the Coordinating Board, its staff, functions, procedures, and operations. The purpose of the meeting is for liaisons to better understand the role and responsibilities of the Coordinating Board and topics of interest to the two-year college sector.


Inquiries regarding liaisons should be sent to Academic and Health Affairs.