Institution and Program Development
Private postsecondary institutions and out-of-state public institutions planning to operate in Texas (i.e., triggering physical presence) must obtain Coordinating Board approval to operate in Texas prior to advertising, offering degrees programs, enrolling students, or awarding credit toward a degree.
Institution and Program Development Details
Flowchart of Approval Process
Approval processes for degree-granting colleges and universities other than Texas public institutions.
Private Postsecondary Institution Authorized to Operate in Texas
All degree-granting private postsecondary institutions that seek to operate in Texas or out-of-state public or private degree-granting institutions whose activities, including clinicals or internships, trigger physical presence must apply for institutional authority before offering degrees or courses leading to degrees in Texas.
List of Authorized Institutions
Accredited Institutions
Resources for institutions with recognized institutional accreditation.
The Certificate of Authorization Institution Portal should be used to submit all documents relating to applications, revisions, and reporting.
Unaccredited Institutions
Resources for institutions working toward recognized institutional accreditation.
- Certificate of Authority Application
- Certificate of Authority Instruction Manual & Guidance for Site Visit
- Private Postsecondary Institution Fees
Surety Instrument Requirement for All Institutions
All institutions operating under a Certificate of Authorization or a Certificate of Authority must maintain a surety instrument as long as authorized to operate in Texas.
- Guidelines for Surety Instrument Requirements
- Surety Instrument FAQs
- Surety Instrument Calculation Worksheet
The surety instrument calculation worksheet must be used to calculate the surety amount required for an institution operating under a Certificate of Authorization or a Certificate of Authority.
Surety Instrument Templates
Inquiries regarding institutional authorization should be sent to Cathie Maeyaert, Director, Private Postsecondary Institutions.
Inquiries regarding CAIP Portal should be sent to Paul Shuler, Program Manager, Academic and Health Affairs.