Advisory Council on Postsecondary Education for Persons With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Meeting (Virtual)


The Advisory Council on Postsecondary Education for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities is charged with the following:  (1) study the accessibility of higher education for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities; (2) provide advice regarding resolving barriers to accessing higher education for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities; and (3) identify, evaluate, and develop...

Advisory Council on Postsecondary Education For Persons With Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities (IDD) (Virtual)


The Advisory Council on Postsecondary Education for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities is charged with the following:  (1) study the accessibility of higher education for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities; (2) provide advice regarding resolving barriers to accessing higher education for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities; and (3) identify, evaluate, and develop recommendations...

Training Webinar For The New Requirement For Submission Of Recommended Course Sequences (Virtual)

Purpose To provide details for reporting the recommended course sequence information as required by SB 25 for the fall 2021 reporting. We plan to walk through SB25 recommended course sequence reporting requirements, data reporting and submission process, and provide time for questions related to the template and submission.   Background Senate Bill 25 (SB 25)...

ApplyTexas Advisory Committee Meeting

THECB Board Room 1801 N Congress Ave, Austin, TX, United States

Agenda and Materials Welcome and Overview of Meeting Acknowledgment of Members finishing their terms Approval of minutes from the February 10, 2021 Meeting Update from Strategic Planning Subcommittee Update from Communications Subcommittee Update from ApplyTexas Technical Team Discussion and possible action to adopt Proposed Changes to ApplyTexas Forms or Procedures Discussion regarding the ApplyTexas/SPEEDE-EDI Meeting...

Financial Aid Advisory Committee Meeting

THECB Board Room 1801 N Congress Ave, Austin, TX, United States

Agenda 1. Welcome, Introductions, and Overview of Meeting 2. Consideration of Approval of Minutes from the meeting held on March 4, 2021 3. Update: Prior FAAC Business 4. Update: External Relations 5. Update: TASFA Subcommittee 6. Update: Data Collection Subcommittee 7. Update: Legislative Subcommittee 8. Update: TASFAA Recommendations and Feedback 9. Update: School District Recommendations...

Committee on Innovation, Data, and Educational Analytics (IDEA)


Public Testimony The presiding chair shall designate whether public testimony will be taken at the beginning of the meeting, at the time the related item is taken up by the Board after staff has presented the item, or any other time as determined by the presiding chair. For procedures on testifying please go to  ...

Committee on Academic and Workforce Success (CAWS)

THECB Board Room 1801 N Congress Ave, Austin, TX, United States

Public Testimony The presiding chair shall designate whether public testimony will be taken at the beginning of the meeting, at the time the related item is taken up by the Board after staff has presented the item, or any other time as determined by the presiding chair. For procedures on testifying please go to  ...

Agency Operations Committee (AOC)

Public Testimony The presiding chair shall designate whether public testimony will be taken at the beginning of the meeting, at the time the related item is taken up by the Board after staff has presented the item, or any other time as determined by the presiding chair. For procedures on testifying please go to  ...

Quarterly Board Meeting

THECB Board Room 1801 N Congress Ave, Austin, TX, United States

Public Testimony The presiding chair shall designate whether public testimony will be taken at the beginning of the meeting, at the time the related item is taken up by the Board after staff has presented the item, or any other time as determined by the presiding chair. For procedures on testifying please go to  ...