Common Calendar
Common Calendar
Public universities, community, technical, and state colleges in Texas share elements of their calendars. For fiscal years 2021-2022 through 2030-2031, university and college schedules adhere to the following dates:
Year | Fall Semester First class day on or after | Spring Semester First class day on or after | Summer Session First class day on or after |
2021-2022 | Aug. 23 | Jan. 17 | June 6 |
2022-2023 | Aug. 22 | Jan. 16 | June 5 |
2023-2024 | Aug. 28 | Jan. 15 | June 3 |
2024-2025 | Aug. 26 | Jan. 20 | June 2 |
2025-2026 | Aug. 25 | Jan. 19 | June 1 |
2026-2027 | Aug. 24 | Jan. 18 | June 7 |
2027-2028 | Aug. 23 | Jan. 17 | June 5 |
2028-2029 | Aug. 28 | Jan. 17 | June 5 |
2029-2030 | Aug. 27 | Jan. 21 | June 3 |
2030-2031 | Aug. 26 | Jan. 20 | June 2 |
Rules for the Common Calendar
Rules are found in Texas Administrative Code, Section 4.5, and include the following guidelines:
- A semester normally shall include 15 weeks for instruction and one week for final examinations or a total of 16 weeks instruction and examinations combined. Every fall semester will end before Christmas, but not later than December 23.
- Each of the two summer terms shall include no less than 5 1/2 calendar weeks, including registration, instructions, and final examinations.
- Each college and university shall establish its own dates for orientation, registration, holidays, final examinations, and the end of each semester and summer term consistent with this calendar.
- A public university or community, technical, or state college that begins its fall and spring semesters and its first summer term within seven days of the date set by the common calendar above is in compliance with the common calendar and does not require a waiver.
Inquiries regarding common calendar should be sent to Academic and Health Affairs.