Learning Technology Advisory Committee
The Learning Technology Advisory Committee (LTAC) engages in substantive policy research and discussion regarding the role that learning technology plays in Texas higher education. LTAC also reviews institutional plans for distance education (IPDE). The LTAC informs the Coordinating Board about how distance education and computer-assisted instruction, including e-learning tools such as electronic textbooks and open course materials, can help the state reach the goals of Building a Talent Strong Texas.
Current Status
Standing, non-statutory
Meeting Schedules
Meets 4-6 times per year, including teleconferences to consider institutional plans for distance education.
LTAC membership currently includes representatives from public community and technical colleges, universities, and health-related institutions, as well as one student member. Membership terms are for three years with the possibility of reappointment.
Distance Education and Learning Technologies Survey Results 2016 vs 2018 Trend Analysis
Use the back arrow to navigate to past event resources.
Inquiries regarding the Learning Technology Advisory Committee should be directed to Dr. Kylah Torre, Senior Director, Digital Learning.