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Formula Advisory Committees


Pursuant to Texas Education Code, Sections 61.059(b-1), advisory committees provide advice and recommendations regarding a set of formulas that provide appropriate funding levels and financial incentives necessary to best achieve the goals of the state’s higher education plan.

Current Status

The Board is mandated to present Formula Funding Recommendations to the Legislative Budget Board on June 1 of even-numbers years.

Meeting Schedule

In August of odd-numbers years, institutional representatives meet to answer the Commissioner’s charges relating to formula funding in preparation for the Board’s recommendation to the Legislative Budget Board.


Formula advisory committees are established for each upcoming biennium with institutional representatives for Texas Public General Academic Institutions, State and Technical Colleges on one formula advisory committee (FAC) and another for the Texas Public Health-Related Institutions (HRIFAC).


Use the back arrow to navigate to past event resources.

[tribe_events category=”formula-advisory-committee” view=”summary” tribe-bar=”false” events_per_page=”3″]


Inquiries regarding the Formula Advisory Committee should be sent to Andy MacLaurin, Assistant Commissioner, Funding and Resource Planning.