Non-Voting Student Representative
Texas Education Code Section 61.0225, authorizes the Governor to appoint a non-voting student representative to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) for a term not to exceed one year beginning on June 1 and ending on May 31 the following calendar year. The student representative shall enjoy the same rights as a regularly appointed board member, except the right to vote or be counted toward a quorum for official board business. The student representative serves without compensation, however, shall be reimbursed by the THECB for expenses incurred during official board business.
Non-Voting Student Representative on
Certain Advisory Committees
Texas Education Code, Section 61.071, requires the THECB to appoint non-voting student representatives to certain advisory committees. Students seeking nomination to an Advisory Committee may serve on one of four THECB advisory committees for a two-year term beginning June 1 and ending May 31. The advisory committees are: ApplyTexas, Financial Aid, Learning Technology, and Texas Transfer. The student perspective is very valuable to these committees and we highly encourage student participation. Students must be nominated through the president’s office of each institution.
Inquiries about the Non-Voting Student Representative should be directed to Lizette Montiel, Deputy Chief of Staff, Commissioner’s Office.