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The Board – Daniel O. Wong

Daniel O. Wong

Term Expires: August 31, 2027

Daniel O. Wong, Ph.D., P.E. is President and CEO of Tolunay-Wong Engineers, Inc., headquartered in Houston with 10 offices in Texas and Louisiana. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Houston.

Dr. Wong is a past gubernatorial appointee to the Texas Board of Professional Engineers as a member and Chairman. He is a member of Texas Society of Professional Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, and American Council of Engineering. He is the recipient of the John B. Hawley award from ASCE Texas Section and the Distinguished Engineer from Texas Engineering Foundation.

Dr. Wong is a former At-Large Councilmember for the City of Sugar Land and served on the Board of the Houston-Galveston Area Council and the Board of Texas Municipal League. Active in Fort Bend County, he is an officer for the Fort Bend Economic Development Council. He is a former board member of the Fort Bend YMCA and the Fort Bend American Heart Association.

Dr. Wong received a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Houston and a Master of Arts from Fuller Theological Seminary. He published a dozen of peer-reviewed technical papers. He was the recipient of the Distinguished Engineering Alumnus from the University of Houston and was inducted into the UH Academy of Distinguished Civil & Environmental Engineers.

He and his wife, Mei, reside in Missouri City, Texas.


Contact the Board by mail c/o THECB, PO Box 12788 Austin, TX 78711; by phone at (512) 427-6566; by fax at (512) 427-6127; or by email below.