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Financial Aid Advisory Committee


The Financial Aid Advisory Committee was created to provide the Board with advice and recommendations regarding the development, implementation, and evaluation of state financial aid programs for college students. In this capacity, it also assists staff in the development of training materials for use by the Center for Financial Aid Information and others to inform students, parents, secondary education counselors, college personnel, members of appropriate community-based organizations, and others about financial aid opportunities for Texas students, including eligibility requirements and procedures for applying for financial aid. (Texas Education Code Sec. 61.0776). The committee also reviews state financial aid program policies and procedures, and the collection, use, and reporting of data; and identifies areas of research for consideration. The Texas Administrative Rules governing this committee can be found by visiting FAAC Administrative Rules and Advisory Committee Administrative Rules.

Current Status

Standing, Statutory

Meeting Schedule

Meets quarterly or as called by Chair.


FAAC consists of financial aid practitioners, public school counselors, and other persons employed in the nonprofit sector in roles with responsibility for advising students regarding financial aid. Student representatives and a representative of the Texas Association for Student Financial Aid Administrators (TASFAA) also serve as non-voting members. The Coordinating Board appoints members of the Advisory Committee, who serve for staggered three-year terms.


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Inquiries regarding the Financial Aid Advisory Committee should be directed to Leah Smalley, Director II, Student Financial Aid Programs-Resource Development.