About Us

Resource. Partner. Advocate.
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board is a partner, resource, and advocate to higher education institutions across the state.
We work in partnership with the legislature, businesses, and other key stakeholders to ensure our state’s higher education goals are aligned with our state’s economic and talent needs. We are a steward to the state’s strategic plan for higher education, Building a Talent Strong Texas.
And we help Texas students and families access the tools they need to choose a postsecondary pathway while connecting them to financial resources to support them on that pathway. We also help ensure transitions – from high school to postsecondary, between postsecondary institutions, and from postsecondary into the workforce – are efficient.
The mission of the Coordinating Board is to serve as a resource, partner, and advocate for Texas higher education, resulting in a globally competitive workforce that positions Texas as an international leader.
The Coordinating Board will be recognized as an international leader in developing and implementing innovative higher education policy to accomplish our mission.
The Coordinating Board will promote access to, and success in, quality higher education across the state with the conviction that access and success without quality is mediocrity, and that quality without access and success is unacceptable.
Agency Core Values
Five Key Functions
1. Provide Statewide Perspective for Resource Efficiency
Efficient and effective utilization of higher education resources is essential. This involves eliminating unnecessary duplication across the state to optimize resource allocation.
2. Develop and Evaluate Long-Range Master Plans
The creation and evaluation of a comprehensive long-range master plan for higher education are crucial steps in ensuring progress and alignment with future goals.
3. Collect and Disseminate Higher Education Data
Centralizing and making accessible data on higher education facilitates informed decision-making and supports policy recommendations for the benefit of all stakeholders.
4. Improve Transition Efficiency
Enhancing the efficiency of transitions, whether from high school to postsecondary education, between different institutions for transfer purposes, or from postsecondary education to the workforce, is vital. Recommendations aimed at streamlining these transitions benefit students and the broader community.
5. Administer Financial Aid Programs
Managing programs and trusteed funds for financial aid and grants plays a pivotal role in achieving the state’s long-term objectives, in accordance with directives from the Texas Legislature.
A Plan to Put the State on Top!
Building a Talent Strong Texas is the state’s new strategic plan with a focus on three measurable, data-driven goals.