Home » Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey

To better serve you, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board appreciates you taking the time to complete this survey.

Please Note:

  • For each of the following statements, select the one which most clearly reflects your answer. You may skip items that do not apply.
  • This survey is anonymous and we do not collect information which allows for identification of individuals. If you would like staff to contact you, you may provide your name and email address at the bottom of the survey form.
  • If you do not have any experience with an item, mark “N/A” or “Not Applicable”.

How many times have you had contact with the THECB staff in the past 12 months?(Required)
Indicate how long you have interacted with this agency.(Required)
Which customer type would you consider yourself (mark only one):(Required)

Indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following regarding the service you received and please skip those which do not apply:

If I visited the facility, it was clean and orderly.(Required)
If I interacted with staff, staff members were knowledgeable and helpful.(Required)
If I interacted with staff, staff members were courteous and professional.(Required)
If requested, I received the information I needed to obtain services.(Required)
If I visited the website, it was easy to use, well organized, and contained accurate information.(Required)
If I filed a complaint, it was handled in a reasonable and timely manner.(Required)
If I called, wrote, emailed, or made a request for services, it was handled in a reasonable and timely manner.(Required)
If I received printed material, it provided thorough and accurate information.(Required)
Overall, I am satisfied with my experience.(Required)

Provide any suggestions to improve the quality of our customer service:

Please do NOT include your full Social Security Number inside the issue description. If you have a question about the status of a new loan application, accounts in repayment, or deferments, please visit the Contact Us page.

Please provide your name and email address only if you want to be contacted to follow up on your comments.
