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Certification Advisory Committee


The Certification Advisory Council Committee (CAC) provides the Board of the THECB (Board) with advice and recommendations regarding standards and procedures to be used in carrying out the provisions of the Texas Education Code, Chapter 61, Subchapter G, Regulation of Private Postsecondary Educational Institutions.

The CAC’s role relates primarily to the standards and procedures for certification of private postsecondary educational institutions that are nonexempt; assists the Commissioner in the examination of individual applications for Certificates of Authority; and performs other duties related to certification that the Board finds to be appropriate.

Tasks assigned to the CAC include the following:

  • Review the site visit report and an institution’s response for each Certificate of Authority application.
  • Make recommendations regarding the Certificate of Authority application to the Board.
  • Review requests by an accrediting agency for recognition by the Board.
  • Perform other duties related to certification that the Board requests of the council.

Current Status

Standing, Statutory

Meeting Schedule

The council meets on a quarterly basis scheduled no later than the first day of the month before the month that the Board’s Committee on Academic and Workforce Success meets.


The council meets on a quarterly basis scheduled no later than the first day of the month before the month that the Board’s Committee on Academic and Workforce Success meets.

Please note:

  • A quarterly meeting may be cancelled if no actions are pending requiring advice from the CAC.
  • A quarterly meeting may be rescheduled if a quorum of members cannot be met.
  • Special meetings may be called as deemed appropriate by the presiding officer.
  • Meetings shall be open to the public and broadcast via the web, unless prevented by technical difficulties, and minutes shall be made available to the public after they have been prepared by the Board staff and reviewed by members of the council.


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Inquiries about Certification Advisory Council (CAC) Committee should be directed to Cathie Maeyaert, Director, Private Postsecondary Institutions.