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Texas Core Curriculum (TCC)


The Texas Core Curriculum (TCC) is established in the Texas Education Code, Chapter 61, Subchapter S. Coordinating Board rules regarding TCC are in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter B.

Core Curriculum List of Courses

All public institutions have a list of courses as part of their Texas Core Curriculum. For each academic year, the TCC list of courses is available by institution at Texas General Education Core Curriculum WebCenter.

Core Curriculum Submission Portal

Texas public higher education institutions may submit revisions to their TCC once a year. The request for changes must be made through the online portal available at the Core Curriculum Submission Portal. The change request for a given academic year must be concluded before the end of the academic year. The last day to submit a change request is August 31.



Inquiries regarding Texas Core Curriculum should be sent to Andrew Lofters, Program Director, Academic and Health Affairs.

Inquiries regarding Texas Core Curriculum should be sent to Melinda Valdez, Program Director, Academic and Health Affairs.